






  据阿里俄罗斯市场总监马克(Mark Zavadskiy) 表示,电子商务着实能满足俄罗斯消费者的需求,而这是传统零售行业无法做到的。换句话而言,电子商务能够给予消费者随时随地挑选所需商品的自主权。中国商户之所以在俄罗斯大受欢迎,其原因就在于能够为消费者提供可接受价格范围内的商品。


  作为一个新兴市场,俄罗斯为阿里提供的一个很好的机会就是允许阿里比其他竞品提前进军俄罗斯市场。在缺乏竞品的情况下,阿里为俄罗斯消费者提供的系列商品可能是其唯一的选择。此外,据密歇根大学罗斯商学院的教授兼中国企业领域方面的专家埃里克·戈登(Erik Gordon)消息,较之其他类似经济体,俄罗斯的消费者在零售业领域的选择更少。




  据阿里俄罗斯市场总监马克(Mark Zavadskiy) 表示,电子商务着实能满足俄罗斯消费者的需求,而这是传统零售行业无法做到的。换句话而言,电子商务能够给予消费者随时随地挑选所需商品的自主权。中国商户之所以在俄罗斯大受欢迎,其原因就在于能够为消费者提供可接受价格范围内的商品。


  作为一个新兴市场,俄罗斯为阿里提供的一个很好的机会就是允许阿里比其他竞品提前进军俄罗斯市场。在缺乏竞品的情况下,阿里为俄罗斯消费者提供的系列商品可能是其唯一的选择。此外,据密歇根大学罗斯商学院的教授兼中国企业领域方面的专家埃里克·戈登(Erik Gordon)消息,较之其他类似经济体,俄罗斯的消费者在零售业领域的选择更少。









  依韦德布什证券分析师吉尔·卢里亚(Gil Luria)之见,俄罗斯市场对阿里的吸引力很大,因为俄罗斯市场暂未出现具有统领性质的电子商务巨头。此外,阿里可对自身具备而俄罗斯市场所欠缺的物流基础设施方面的经验加以利用,并在该市场中的快速发展中找准定位。




  Alibaba Is Making Moves in Russia


  NEW YORK (TheStreet) --Alibaba(BABA)is comfortably dominating the e-commerce market in China, but hoping to keep the growth coming, the company is looking to a new cohort of consumers: Russians.


  "E-commerce truly meets Russian consumer demand in a way that traditional retail cannot -- it gives shoppers the option to choose for themselves when and where they want to purchase their personal goods," said Mark Zavadskiy, general manager of Alibaba Russia. "Chinese sellers have grown in popularity with Russian consumers because they have the products consumers want at prices they want to pay. It makes sense that we follow this demand."


  With a $14.5 billion e-commerce market, Russia has a few local players, includingUlmartandOzon, but there's still room for Alibaba to sweep in and provide a selection and price otherwise unavailable.


  As an emerging market,Russia poses an opportunityfor Alibaba to get in early before other players emerge to challenge them. Amid this lack of competition, Alibaba offers a selection of products that Russian consumers likely wouldn't have access to otherwise. "Consumers [in Russia] have fewer retail choices compared to consumers in similar economies," said Erik Gordon, an expert in Chinese businesses and a professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.


  Alibaba first launched a global marketplace, known as AliExpress, in 2010, and it has since launched aRussian-langauge version tailored specifically to consumers in Russia. Over the past three years, Alibaba has partnered with different payment solutions providers in Russia (QIWI, WebMoney,andYandex Money) to make the transaction process more convenient for Russian consumers. In February, Alibaba partnered with Russian delivery companySPSR Expressto improve its logistics in the area.


  According to Russian newspaperKommersant, Alibaba registered the URL www.alibaba.com.ru in May, signifying that there may soon be a standalone site outside of the general AliExpress. And then this week, Alibaba opened up its first sales office in the country, according to Forbes.


  "The reason you have people in those regions is to better understand the consumer preferences and get more acclimated with the consumer in the region before investing more," Morningstar analyst RJ Hottovy said. "Get a better understanding for the specific needs of the region, and beyond that, you can tailor your marketplaces to them."


  AliExpress is already popular in Russia, with an average of 15.6 million Russian visitors a month in the second half of 2014, according toKommersant. By contrast,eBay(EBAY)saw only 3.7 million visitors a month, whileAmazon(AMZN)saw just 1.7 million.


  "In Russia, we have seen steady organic growth in Russian consumers shopping on our AliExpress platform ever since it launched in 2010," Alibaba spokeswoman Molly Morgan said.


  Products on AliExpress are cheaper than most products in Russia, Morgan added, and with millions of products across more than 20 categories, it offers a wider selection for Russian consumers.


  However, there is still a huge political risk involved in investing in the region, which could be challenging for Alibaba. That could be why Alibaba is establishing a physical presence in Russia -- to help deal with these political issues.


  "The risk of losing everything based in shifting political tides is even higher than in China, and Russian consumers have no love for China," Gordon said.


  Nonetheless, the potential for profits outweighs the risk, according to Wedbush analyst Gil Luria.


  "Russia presents a specifically attractive opportunity for Alibaba because it is still a nascente-commerce marketwithout any dominant players," Luria said. "Alibaba can leverage its experience in developing a logistics infrastructure that is lacking in Russia and position itself for the rapid growth in this market."





