







  据全美商业经济协会近期展开的一项调查显示,2015年 4-6月调薪的公司占比为43%,而7-9月调薪的公司仅为24%,调薪公司数目出现明显下滑。照此形势,15年未来几个月的调薪形势亦不容乐观。因此,对于更多人而言,向老板明确提出加薪需求便很有必要。







  依财务资讯网站Common SenseMillennial的创始人卡莉·霍克(Kali Hawlk)之见,对初入职场的新人而言,积极主动是非常重要的一个特质。此外,她还表示,如果你不向老板反馈薪资问题,那么你的薪资便会年复一年的“原地踏步”。从现在开始,到整个职业生涯结束,你今后的加薪、奖金和晋升几率均会更低。





  据全美商业经济协会近期展开的一项调查显示,2015年 4-6月调薪的公司占比为43%,而7-9月调薪的公司仅为24%,调薪公司数目出现明显下滑。照此形势,15年未来几个月的调薪形势亦不容乐观。因此,对于更多人而言,向老板明确提出加薪需求便很有必要。







  依财务资讯网站Common SenseMillennial的创始人卡莉·霍克(Kali Hawlk)之见,对初入职场的新人而言,积极主动是非常重要的一个特质。此外,她还表示,如果你不向老板反馈薪资问题,那么你的薪资便会年复一年的“原地踏步”。从现在开始,到整个职业生涯结束,你今后的加薪、奖金和晋升几率均会更低。









  个人投资管理平台Betterment 的人力资源总监露西﹒巴贝奇(Lucy Babbage)建议,如果你所在的公司每年有固定的调薪期,那么最好在该期间了解一下自己的加薪额度。如果公司无固定的调薪期,那么你可主动建议部门经理将该周期固定为一或两个季度。


















  个人投资管理平台Betterment的丹·伊根(Dan Egan)认为,加薪的好处之一是你既可提高储蓄额又不必削减开支,而这是大部分人储蓄过程中遇到的主要问题之一。









  How to Get a Raise and Invest It


  Getting a raise is mostly about timing for the company, industry standards and, of course, good performance. But it often comes down to one simple thing: asking for it. And in 2015, you may have to.


  A recentNational Association for Business Economics studyfound that just 24% of companies raised wages and salaries in the July-September quarter, down from 43% in the April-June period. It’s the first major decline after three consecutive increases.


  And considering the outlook was projected to be the same for the rest of this year, it’s essential for more people to start asking for raises so that they can invest that money, improving their chances of hitting both short- and long-term financial goals.


  Getting a raise is mostly about timing for the company, industry standards and, of course, good performance. But it often comes down to one simple thing: asking for it. And in 2015, you may have to.


  A recentNational Association for Business Economics studyfound that just 24% of companies raised wages and salaries in the July-September quarter, down from 43% in the April-June period. It’s the first major decline after three consecutive increases.


  And considering the outlook was projected to be the same for the rest of this year, it’s essential for more people to start asking for raises so that they can invest that money, improving their chances of hitting both short- and long-term financial goals.


  The Importance of Getting a Raise


  The sooner you start moving up the salary ladder, the sooner you stand to benefit in ways that go beyond extra cash in hand. Each subsequent raise you earn will be bigger when it’s a percentage of your base salary—and you’ll be able to command a higher starting salary when looking for a new job.


  Kali Hawlk, founder of financial content providerCommon Sense Millennial, says it’s especially important to be proactive at the beginning of your career.


  If you don’t negotiate your salary, she says, then you’re ensuring that your lower earnings number will carry over year to year. Subsequent raises, bonuses, and promotion amounts will be lower not just now, but throughout your working career.


  How to Get It


  When it’s time to ask for a raise, always go in with a plan, have an exact number in mind, and be ready and willing to negotiate. To make the ask, consider these points:




  If your company has scheduled reviews each year, it’s best to ask for the raise during the review cycle, says Lucy Babbage, who handles human resources atBetterment. If your company doesn’t have those set times, be proactive by asking your manager to put them in place every quarter or every six months.


  What You’re Worth


  Try websites likePayscale,Glassdoor, andIndeedto research common pay for someone in your position, but your search shouldn’t end there. “The best way to find out what you’re worth is to talk to other people in your industry,” Babbage said. “Go to meetups, find other people you know who are working in the same space and, without directly asking their personal salary, ask what a good range is for your role so they can give you some knowledge, peer to peer.”


  Your Accomplishments


  The best way to show you deserve a raise is to clearly communicate to your manager what your accomplishments have been in regards to what your goals are, Babbage says. Look at your goals and outline how you’ve not only achieved them, but how you’ve gone above and beyond and, therefore, deserve more than just a cost-of-living adjustment.


  Other Options


  If your company can’t afford to give you a raise, consider other options. If you’re at a company that can give you equity, that’s a good alternative, Babbage said.


  How to Invest It


  Getting a raise is an opportunity to save without reducing your consumption, which is one of the core problems most people have with saving in general, says Dan Egan, Director of Behavioral Finance and Investing at Betterment.


  Here’s an example: If you’re making and spending $4,000 a month (after taxes), and you decided to cut back on spending to $3,000, you’re going to feel that. “You’re going to go out to dinner less, you’re going to spend less. So, in that case, saving feels bad,” Egan said.


  However, if you’re spending $4,000 a month and you get a raise to $5,000 a month, it’s an opportunity to save more without reducing your consumption. Instead of investing your entire raise, save half of it. So, if you get a $1,000-a-month raise, spend $500 and save $500.






