
大学生创业英语作文 英语作文大学生自主创业





There are a lot of students choose to start their own business rather than after graduation to find work, the government is also very supportive of college students own business.

The government encourages the students to start the cause of the main reasons: first, it is to ease social employment pressure a good way. Second, to encourage students to start business independently in many ways to help our national economic development.

The advantages of College Students' self - employment are: firstly, entrepreneurship helps students to better understand books knowledge.. Secondly, entrepreneurship can help students accumulate rich experience, which is very important for college students. Finally, entrepreneurship can ease the burden on the family. In addition, the main drawbacks of the initiative is the work will delay learning.

On my personal believe that college students should do poineering work independently, because their own businesses can better exercise their own, enable us to get rich working experience and better use the knowledge you have learned.


大学生创业 英语作文

According to a survey, the numbers of students who choose to start their own business just take no more than one percent of the total number of all college students. What makes this ratio so small? Is their own reasons or external factors resistance? There are three main reasons.

One of the main reasons is that they have not developed a keen awareness of creating things by themselves, such as starting their own

business. Due to the test-oriented educational system in China, families and schools do not focus on developing students’ qualities of risking and facing difficulties. Just like what Li Jiajun said, “Risk always co-exists with

opportunities. Opportunities are fair to everyone. It depends on whether you dare to take risk or not”. They want to be immune to the frustration and failure when start their own business for they lack of self-confidence and afraid of risking. Unaware of their potential abilities, most college graduates might think that starting own business is not fit them but those who don’t fear failure. So they just want to lead a common life.

Secondly, college graduates are short of social experience. Though the students grasped certain knowledge from books, they are short of necessary abilities of practice and experience of business management ultimately. In addition, due to college graduates’ lack of marketing, they are under qualified for the role of manager .College graduates stay in the College campus for long time, which makes them lack of understanding of society, market development and enterprise operation. Besides, they are hard to find

an enterprise job or internship to accumulate the related management and marketing experience. There are few chances to receive professional guidance so that they can't gain necessary business knowledge.

Thirdly, college graduates will be under the pressure from parents if they start own business. Because of their constraints of conservative ideas, the parents hope college students to find a real job; don't want them to start their own business. If college graduates choose to star their own business, they will not only lose parents' trust, but can even make the family to be not harmonious. It’s difficult for them to handle the problems which they will face in the absence of material and spiritual support from their parents. According to one survey, forty percent of college graduates believe that "capital is the biggest difficulty”. Indeed, without funding, any good originality will hard to transform into real productive forces. For the sake of considering their parents feelings and making the family harmonious, most of the college graduates give up their idea of starting their own business. Above is three important reasons, only overcome these obstacles can make college graduates’ entrepreneurial ratio rose. As the employment pressure increasing now, entrepreneurial also become a choice for college graduates.



[2010年12月] 六级作文预测第9篇:大学生创业 热点作文9

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic College Students’ Starting Their Own Undertakings. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:









College Students’ Starting Their Own Undertakings

Nowadays there are many college students who choose to start their own undertakings instead of finding a job after graduation. The government encourages this practice, and provides many preferential policies and facilitation measures for college students. This phenomenon has aroused great concern from the whole society.

However, why do so many college students take the way of starting their own undertakings? Firstly, college students are facing severe employment situations. Many college graduates couldn’t find ideal jobs, which forces them to set up their own businesses. Moreover, some ambitious college students are not satisfied with being employed by others. They want to develop and prove their talents by running their own businesses. Besides, the government’s encouragement and the media’s reports on college students venture stars have stimulated more college students’ enthusiasm to take this way.{大学生创业英语作文}.

As for me, it is a good choice for college students to start their own undertakings. However, it is a very difficult cause, which needs firm determination,

clear mind, ability to endure hardship and a feasible project. Therefore, think it over and make full preparation before you decide to start your own business.



College students starting their own undertakings

China, as a country with large population, in order to create new jobs, are now encouraging college students to start up their own undertakings.{大学生创业英语作文}.

Due to the government’s over encouragement, business starting is becoming a fashion in today’s college. Students no matter rich or poor, with high GPA or low ones, active minded or not are trying to start business.

The eager of being a boss is a reason as well. Because they don’t want to be controlled by others and they think that the boss is the cushiest job among all.

In my point of view, starting undertaking is a good way to avoid the employment pleasure, but it isn’t suitable for everyone. You need to be fully prepared before you start up. First, you need to have an innovative idea and making enough sure that your company can make profit. A well-organized team is also needed during the start-up stage. All the team members should be familiar with the industry so that they can do you a favor. Although you should be confident, you need to have a plan B. What if you failed?

All to all, being a boss is not as easy as you think. If you still want to start an undertaking after reading the article, do it!



topic :self-employed in college.{大学生创业英语作文}.

general purpose :to persuade.

specific purpose :to persuade my audience that self-employed in college is a wonderful choose.{大学生创业英语作文}.

main ideas :

body :

first,improving your abilities.while doing your own business,you should make some surveys for what you are doing,and you have to find a appropriate shop front,contact the seller,calculate the price and find the


last but not least,self-employed in college can help you make

money.the profit the business makes belongs to the you. if you succeed in business, you have the chance to earn a great deal of money. the profit earned is the reward for the owners effort, ability and creativity. so that you can have more spending money and the burden of your family will be smaller. as job hunting has always been a headache for college students. though many graduates are employed right after graduation, some are not. so be yourself’s boss is a good ideal which is encouraged by our government.篇二:大学生创业发言稿








这很简单,其实就像许多人喜欢做自己喜欢的事情一样,因为太爱这件事才会去做,而不是因为别人一句话,头脑一热就去做了。所以创业就是自己更多的把握自己的人生,常常告诉自己“just do it”。




而另外一种就是后悔自己当年犹豫不决,错失了许多机会,后悔没有去做。 创业可谓是一条艰难且漫长的道路。对于一个创业者而言,失败可能意味着你即将成功,而成功意味着你将面临更大的挑战。


下面我想仅以个人拙见来重点谈论一下每个人在创业之初必须面对的三个问题: 第一,有没有资金;第二,有没有经验;第三,有没有团队 。

对 ,这就是创业者面对的三个迫切于解决的重要问题。







说到这里我想起李开复先生说的一句话,“世界上最聪明的人是借用别人撞的头破血流的经验作为自己的经验,而世界上最愚蠢的人是非要用自己撞得头破血流的经验才叫经验。 创业就是要“冒天下之大不韪,敢为天下人先”。



我所理解的优秀的创业团队并不是那些最优秀的人集中在一起,而是最合适的人凑在一起。所以你要时刻去寻找自己生活中与你有共同语言,共同目标的人。包括你的亲人,同学,朋友,也许他们很多方面不是那么优秀,但将在你的团队中担任一个不可或缺的角色。 所以说我们其实已经拥有了许多条件,为什么不试一试?

作为一名大学生,读书得到的不仅是一张文凭,更多的应该是知识和技能的增长。年轻的我们,一定要趁自己内心激情满满,大脑具有非常活跃的创新思维的时候漂亮的干一把,把你大脑中的那个创意的点子章显出其众不同。 所以要是你真的准备好了,那就策马扬帆,适时起航。超越梦想一起飞,你我需要真心面对,让生命回味这一刻,让岁月铭记这一回。 梦有了,就要去做。人生难得几回搏,此时不搏何时搏?同学们,狭路相逢勇者胜,只要我们扬起自信的风帆,亮出我们的勇气与魄力,大胆的去放手一搏。我相信:成功的号角终将在胜利的彼岸奏响!









不到应有的回报,这就是市场,不能正确认识市场的残酷,不能正确评估市场风险的大学生创业失败的可能性是很大的。 我在浙大附中时曾经作为观众去听过“挑战者杯---大学生创业”的比赛,我对几组同学的印象颇深,其中一组同学的创业计划是一所语言学校,创业基金预计为500万元人民币,期待成功后能与新东方媲美,但他们忽略了很多的客观困难,首先,作为没有任何信誉保证的普通大学生,他们怎么可能轻易地就筹到五百万元的资金,其次,就算资金到位,他们如何保证自己的师资力量,作为一名“新秀”,如果不出高价,优秀的老师不会随便的来到他们那里授课,但如此一来,成本就会比想象中的高了很多,再加上没有以往的成绩的保证,没有百姓的口碑打底,学生参与的积极性不高等因素,失败的可能性极大,这类同学都将创业的过程想得过于美好了,准备不够充分并忽略了一些实际可能出现的困难。还有一些同学,想得比较结合实际,但是不全面,所以可能会在






With the slowing down of economic growth, graduates in China are facing an increasingly more competitive job market. Against such a backdrop, starting their own business has become a more attractive option for these graduates. Yet, the number of students who choose to start their own business is still just a minimal part. As for the reasons, I believe there are both internal and external factors.

Internally speaking, the students lack the pioneering spirit due to the test-oriented educational system in China. They are encouraged by their teachers and parents to be down-to-earth and not to put themselves at risk, therefore the students are always trying to stay away from the frustration and failure that starting their own business may bring to them.

Externally speaking, China overall environment needs to be improved to encourage entrepreneurship. For example, regional governments may offer some plans to guide start-ups by universities students, provide some funding for them to start their own businesses.

To conclude, there are both internal and external factors to account to the problem, and only by taking these reasons into consideration and making appropriate solutions can the number of students who choose to start their own business be increased.


《大学生创业英语作文 英语作文大学生自主创业.doc》
